Adrian Callaghan

Full Stack Developer

Agents FAQs

Below are some frequently asked questions that I have put here for quick reference

Question Answer
Current work status? Employed
What area`s do you work? Dunstable and up to one hour travel
What type of work FULL STACK developer
What do you know?
L Linux (Gentoo, Arch, Debian, CentOs, Fedora), Windows, IOS, Bsc hons computer science
A Apache, Tomcat, Nginx, Varnish, Cloud, Load Balancers, Replication, R/L-synch, security
M Mysql 4-5, nested sets, adjacent, relational, views, stored procedures, triggers, SQL, mongo db, doctrine 2, data normalisation
zend certified PHP engineer zend certified framework engineer
PHP 4-5 (certfied), Jquery, Easel Js,
Zend 1 (certfied) & 2,
CAKE, Concrete5, WordPress (developer),
Doctrine2, composer

Not used in a while: WordPress MU, Zencart (some PEAR), PHPBB, Magento, Joomla, Drupal

Front end W3 certified css developer HTML, HTML5, XML, XLST, XSS, CSS (certfied), Bootstrap, SASS, Javascript, Jquery, Easel JS, Protoype, BackBonejs
What sites have you been involved in? I have worked on numerous projects both freelance and fulltime some later ones are listed here
Do you have any source code? Yes there are many but highlights such as my wordpress plugin, pagenation function, Database class, Thickbox AJAX and Simple MVC framework
What is your notice period? Contract ends 1st of May
What is your salary expectations? N/a
Are you on linkedIn? Yes here
Can I have an up to date Cv? Cv LinkedIn Pdf
Do you have any really good references? Yes tons
What clients have you worked with? Davidlloyd, Red Bull, Vauxhall, Chevrolet, SAAB, Big Yellow, Gala Coral, Adobe, Temes, Victorinox, Oracle Systems / ZenithOptimedia, EURO RSCG / RECKITT BENCKISER, Clear / M&C Saatchi, The Brooklyn Brothers / Land Rover, BURBERRY, Stella Black, Intel, Aspire, Audi (many more)

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© Adrian Callaghan 2025