
clikStats is a wordpress plugin that automatically detects the current links within each post.

ClikStats is retrofitable, and requires no special provision from any classes or code.

Once activated, clikStats will compile who, when, what data which can be viewed through the back office.

The beauty of this plugin is in its portability, it can be used straight out of the box, and provide usefull visitor information, without the need to reverse engineer your posts.

Download the latest version (v0.7) of clikStats from here

Simply add the unzipped folder to your pluggins folder, and make it active to start logging clicks.

Have fun

v0.3 04.01.2009 Provision for pagenation, deletion and better url parsing
v0.4 05.01.2009 Required update, due to a naming convention issue
v0.5 18.01.2009 Fixed security issues, enhanced UI, extra pages
Big thankyou to Alexandre Araújo for his testing
v0.6 15.02.2009 Added search and some nice aesthetics
v0.7 09.05.2009 Added clik page/post sourcename, improved date filter system
v0.8 03.02.2015 Support for hash tags, malformed markup, uppercase lowercase & relative links

Some of the best reviews

Daily Seo Blog
Haunting thunder
Tech Ravings
THUK Media

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clikStats, 7.8 out of 10 based on 4 ratings


This entry was posted on Monday, December 29th, 2008 at 5:54 pm and is filed under Programming, Wordpress. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

37 Responses to “clikStats”

  1. Karl Gunkel says:

    I installed cklickstats. good plugin, useful, but a problem: It cuts the links after “&”. Example: this is a link from google maps afer clickstart: — this is the full link: Link removed

    I can see this complete link in the footer line of the browser.

    Any help?


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  2. […] Adrian Callaghan`s Blog » clikStats Plugin de WordPress para llevar estadísticas de clicks dentro de los posts. (tags: wordpress plugin stats clicks) […]

  3. krishna says:

    Great find. Thanks for sharing the information. I need to check this out

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  4. […] Adrian Callaghan`s Blog » clikStats Plugin de WordPress para llevar estadísticas de clicks dentro de los posts. (tags: wordpress plugin stats clicks) […]

  5. kemix " says:

    Thank for this plugin

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  6. niielo says:

    nice plug in mate.thanks for solving a big problem

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  7. Adrian says:

    Thanks Karl, bugged fixed in release 0.2, pagenation and deletion added in 0.3

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  8. […] Some web stats programs have the ability to provide this information on a limited basis, but very view options are available to bloggers that show the exact path – especially for WordPress users – so here is one for the WordPress Community to investigate:  clickstats […]

  9. Maurice says:

    good job 🙂

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  10. […] clikStats Plugin for WordPress January 7, 2009 Posted by Neuromancer in Plugins. trackback One of my collegues at work has developed his first wordpress plugin clikStats is a wordpress plugin that automatically detects the current links within each post. You can find adians plugin clikStats here […]

  11. DarkSide says:

    Plugin Perfect!
    Would be easier to visualize if ordered by number of clicks and adding a simple search.
    I suck with programming languages. If it were not so, you help.

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  12. Adrian says:

    Thanks DarkSide, will work those suggestions into the next realease, which hopefully will be ready later today

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  13. John says:

    This plugin would be perfect if it records the post IDs too so that it is easy to identify which posts generate the most outgoing links. This would be extremely handy and is something no other plugins I can find do at this point.

    Thank you for the awesome work.

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    • Adrian says:

      Thanks john, I have added your suggestion into version 0.7

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  14. […] plugin is very easy to use. As easy as to plugin and play. Try the new plugin now.Click here to download the latest version of […]

  15. keith says:

    I am using wp 2.7 and the plugin caused my readers trouble getting to the post when clicking the “read more” link on the home page and taking them to a 404 error page. I had to deactivate it. Any fixes would be greatly appreciated.

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  16. baron says:

    Works great, thank you

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  17. stef says:

    I want to use your plugin to stat my banner , I want to count how many click users do on my banner ads ….
    Can I use your plugin to do that ..???

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    • Adrian says:

      Clikstats will work with any hyper-link embedded within an anchor point, so an anchor point with an image will work.

      However if your advertisements are javascript, clikstats will not work.

      In that case OpenX or google-Admanager should work fine for you, and is what I use on
      (should work fine on your football site)

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      • stef says:

        Can you explain me how I can do that ???

        “Clikstats will work with any hyper-link embedded within an anchor point, so an anchor point with an image will work”

        thanks a lot ….
        Best regards

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        • Adrian says:

          Assuming your banners are indeed HTML based and setup correctly, it would be just a matter of activating clikstats in the wordpress back office to start recording the clik through rates.

          Hope that helps

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  18. Ella says:

    Hi…! This rocks. You rock. Thank you for sharing and helping people out. I send you a virtual beer 🙂

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  19. Manliang says:

    The counter doesnot work on my site, click the counter tag get the following message
    “Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/themsri1/public_html/msca/wp-content/plugins/clikstats/ck_functions.php on line 145”

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  20. […] for free download from or Adrian Callaghans Blog – clickstats Share and […]

  21. bilgi says:

    I am use now. Working good. thanks for share.

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