Script to monitor internet connection
April 21st, 2015The internet often drops at work, so to compile a csv report of the outage time and for how long I wrote this script, which maybe of use to someone.
Simply create the script, with execution rights (sudo chmod a+x) and call the script with the first argument as a resource e.g google and the second argument as the output filename e.g ./ myFile
Code below:
#!/bin/bash resource=$1 outfile=$2 dwnTmp=".dwnLock"; upTmp=".upLock"; # NEED A RESOURCE if [[ -z "$resource" ]]; then echo "You must define a resource as the first parameter e.g"; exit; fi #### # NEED A FILENAME if [[ -z "$outfile" ]]; then echo "You must define an output file as the second parameter"; exit; fi #### ### REMOVE LOCKS if [ -f "$dwnTmp" ]; then rm $dwnTmp; fi if [ -f "$upTmp" ]; then rm $upTmp; fi ################# echo "Logging connectivity of http://$resource/ to $outfile.csv CTRL+C to exit" # LOOP count=0 while [ 1=1 ]; do let count+=1 time=$(date +"%T") timeSec=$(date +%s) duration=0 # log wget -q --tries=1 --timeout=10 --spider "http://$resource/" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then if [ ! -f "$upTmp" ]; then echo $timeSec > $upTmp; if [ -f "$dwnTmp" ]; then duration=$(($timeSec-`cat $dwnTmp`)) rm $dwnTmp; fi echo -ne CHECK $count: AVAIL '\r' echo "$count,$time,Up after being down for $(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds" >> "$outfile.csv" fi else if [ ! -f "$dwnTmp" ]; then echo $timeSec > $dwnTmp; if [ -f "$upTmp" ]; then duration=$(($timeSec-`cat $upTmp`)) rm $upTmp; fi echo -ne CHECK $count: ERROR '\r' echo "$count,$time,Down after being up for $(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds" >> "$outfile.csv" fi fi done #####2,313 views
Desktop tidy
December 3rd, 2014A cluttered desktop can be a problem, typically people use the desktop becuase they know the location of the files should they have downloaded them from somewhere, and need to reuse them quickly.
I have written a script that runs on Linux that cleans the desktop up on a daily basis, by moving all the files into a folder with an easily readable date name within an archive folder, so that your desktop remains clean and ordered, and you also do not lose your files.
The beauty of this is that you can configure your applications to point at the desktop, safe in the knowledge that all the clutter from today will be gone tomorrow, and placed neatly within a folder with the date so you can find it, when somebody says “I sent it to you Tuesday”
Just run the script below and it will automatically install, any clutter on the Desktop will archive to folder with yesterday’s date found within the Archive folder located on the Desktop.
You can download it here after unzipping, simply install using terminal with:
sudo chmod a+x sudo ./
The source code is below:
#!/bin/bash ######################## # # # Install script # For Desktop tidy, compat with any distro running Gnome 3, tested on fedora 20 # # Adrian callaghan 02-12-2014 # # ######################## ######################## # are you capable? if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "You must run this install script with super user privileges, use either sudo or become root with su -" exit; fi ######################## # enviroment user=$SUDO_USER; userhome="/home/$user"; scriptPath="/usr/local/bin/"; autostartFile="dt.desktop"; desktop="$userhome/Desktop"; archive="$desktop/Archived"; ######################## # reinstall? if [ -f "$scriptPath" ] || [ -f "$autostartPath" ]; then echo "Removing previous install" if [ -f "$scriptPath" ]; then rm "$scriptPath" fi if [ -f "$autostartPath" ]; then rm "$autostartPath" fi fi ######################## # create archive folder if none exists, permissions follow later if [ ! -d "$archive" ]; then mkdir "$archive" fi ######################## # create script echo "#!/bin/bash" > $scriptPath; echo "archive=$archive" >> $scriptPath; echo "desktop=$desktop" >> $scriptPath; echo 'curr_archive="$archive/$(date +"%d-%B-%Y" -d "1 day ago")"; # if has not been archived yet, archive if [ ! -d "$curr_archive" ]; then mkdir "$curr_archive"; for file in $desktop/*; do if [ "$file" != "$archive" ]; then mv "$file" "$curr_archive" fi done fi ' >> $scriptPath; chmod 755 $scriptPath chown "$user:$user" $scriptPath ######################## # Add autostart if [ ! -d "$userhome/.config" ]; then mkdir "$userhome/.config" fi if [ ! -d "$userhome/.config/autostart" ]; then mkdir "$userhome/.config/autostart" fi echo "[Desktop Entry] Name=DeskTidy GenericName=Creates a daily desktop Comment=Allows the user to have a clean desktop daily and keep the all the files in an ordered fashion Exec=$scriptPath Terminal=true Type=Application X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true " > "$userhome/.config/autostart/$autostartFile"; chmod 755 "$userhome/.config/autostart/$autostartFile" chown "$user:$user" "$userhome/.config/autostart/$autostartFile" ######################### # Trigger script! # source "$scriptPath" chmod "1775" "-R" "$archive" chown "root:$user" "-R" "$archive" ######################### # FEEDBACK echo "!! Desktop Tidy successfully installed !!" echo "When you login a desktop will be created based on todays date" echo "Should you wish to retrieve an old file, archives can be found at $archive and are named by date"3,480 views
Bash script to create virtual hosting in Fedora
August 15th, 2014I am often needing to add a script to create virtual hosting, below is one I have written for fedora (that can be altered for any distro) that creates the necessary folder structure, vhost host entries and restarts Apache.
#!/bin/bash ################################# # SETTINGS LOCATIONS WWW_ROOT='/var/www' # no trailing slash DOC_ROOT='httd_docs' # no trailing slash # SETTINGS TEMPLATE FILE INDEX_MSG='HOSTING READY FOR <DN>' # <DN> WILL BE REPLACED WITH THE DOMAIN INDEX_FILE='index.html' # SETTINGS DIRECTORY PERMISSIONS DIR_OWNER='apache' DIR_GROUP='apache' DIR_MOD='770' # APACHE (FEDORA) APACHE_RELOAD='service httpd restart' # cmd to reload/restart apache APACHE_CONF_LOCATION='/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' # no trailing slash APACHE_CONF_TEMPLATE=" # <FQDN> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@<DN> ServerName <FQDN> ServerAlias <DN> DocumentRoot <DN_ROOT> ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/<DN_SLUG>-apache-error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/<DN_SLUG>-access_log common </VirtualHost>"; # <DN> WILL BE REPLACED WITH THE DOMAIN, FQDN WITH THE FQDN, DN_SLUG WITH THE DOMAIN SLUG AND DN_ROOT WITH DOCUMENT ROOT # HOSTS FILE HOSTS_FILE='/etc/hosts' ################################# ################################# # FUNCTIONS function notice() { echo "============================================================================================================" echo $1 echo "============================================================================================================" } function slugify(){ echo $* | sed 's/^dl-*//ig' | tr '[:punct:]' '-' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -s '[:blank:]' '[\-*]' } ################################# ################################# # START if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then notice "You must be root to run this script" else # GET DN AND FQDN notice "Please enter the domain name" read DN DN="${DN/#\www./}" FQDN="www.$DN" # BEGIN host $DN 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$DN is not valid domain" else DN_SLUG=$(slugify "$DN"); if [ -d "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" ]; then notice "$DN already exists in $WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" else # MAIN STRUCTURE mkdir "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" mkdir "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG/$DOC_ROOT" echo "${INDEX_MSG//<DN>/$FQDN}" > "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG/$DOC_ROOT/$INDEX_FILE" # OWNERSHIP chown -R "$DIR_OWNER:$DIR_GROUP" "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" chmod -R "$DIR_MOD" "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" # QUICK LOOK UP LOCALLY HOSTS_FILE_BK="$(date +$HOSTS_FILE-%d%m%Y_%R.bak)"; cp "$HOSTS_FILE" "$HOSTS_FILE_BK"; if [ ! -f "$HOSTS_FILE_BK" ]; then notice "Failed to create host file backup at $HOSTS_FILE_BK" else echo "# ${FQDN}" >> "$HOSTS_FILE"; echo ${DN} >> "$HOSTS_FILE"; echo ${FQDN} >> ""$HOSTS_FILE""; # APACHE ENTRIES APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_CONF_TEMPLATE//<DN>/$DN}"; APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_TEMPLATE//<FQDN>/$FQDN}"; APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_TEMPLATE//<DN_ROOT>/$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG/$DOC_ROOT/}"; APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_TEMPLATE//<DN_SLUG>/$DN_SLUG}"; APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK="$(date +$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION-%d%m%Y_%R.bak)"; cp "$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION" "$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK"; if [ -f "$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK" ]; then echo "$APACHE_TEMPLATE" >> $APACHE_CONF_LOCATION; $APACHE_RELOAD; notice "$DN created at $WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG (apache bkup file found at $APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK)" else notice "Failed to create Apache config backup at $APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK" fi fi fi fi fi read STOP exit; ################################ |
Remote controlling Tivo
October 21st, 2012I was interested in what my ethernet port was doing on my virgin media TIVO box, so I ran some tests and found I could control my TIVO box from my laptop, here are my findings.
First, I went into the Tivo boxes settings on screen and enabled network access.
Next, I logged into my home hub/router to find out what IP address it had been allocated and clicked devices.
Once I had its IP address, ( I scanned its ports and found the following services:
adrian@adrian-laptop:~$ nmap Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2012-10-21 10:37 BST Interesting ports on Not shown: 997 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 443/tcp open https 2190/tcp open unknown 2191/tcp open unknown Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.50 seconds |
The obvious one that stands out is port 443, so visiting shows a web server requesting login, I found that the username is tivo and the password is your media key found in settings > mediakey.
Once logged in, a list of recorded programmes will be displayed but however streaming and downloading are disabled :(.
I tried for sometime to circumvent the streaming restriction using various techniques the closest I came was with VLC and special plugins, but so far I haven’t been able to achieve this.
I looked into what the box is, and it turns out its fundamentally Linux box with a glossy coat, with some features disabled (like streaming something to do with UK copyright laws).
Along the way I found I could telnet to port 31339 on the box
telnet 31339 |
which responded with
This is the status of the two tuners, and what they are doing, you can now use commands like:
KEYBOARD (Dunno what this does)
SETCH <CHANNEL> - Change channel. If the current tuner is recording a program, it will change the other tuner. If both tuners are recording, the TiVo will respond with "CH_FAILED RECORDING <Title>. Using this command while Tivo is replaying will give "CH_FAILED NO_LIVE".
FORCECH <CHANNEL> - This command will force the current tuner to the tune the desired channel regardless of what it's doing. If a recording is being recorded it will cancel the recording and change the channel without confirmation.
Also a complete set of IRCODE’s exist
a quick google and I found the following IRCODE commands that seem to work.
Typing these commands into the telnet session, made the tivo box change channel etc…. cool!
To exit the telnet session press
CTRL + ]
thats right, control and right square bracket!!, then type quit at the prompt
I was able to source a nice GUI that can automate these commands
So, as long as you have Python installed (Mac & linux users by default), just running the script produces a nice GUI that can manage your Tivo box from your laptop.
I also found, if your interested in developing apps for it, its SDK is written for AS3 and can be found here