Bash script to create virtual hosting in Fedora
I am often needing to add a script to create virtual hosting, below is one I have written for fedora (that can be altered for any distro) that creates the necessary folder structure, vhost host entries and restarts Apache.
#!/bin/bash ################################# # SETTINGS LOCATIONS WWW_ROOT='/var/www' # no trailing slash DOC_ROOT='httd_docs' # no trailing slash # SETTINGS TEMPLATE FILE INDEX_MSG='HOSTING READY FOR <DN>' # <DN> WILL BE REPLACED WITH THE DOMAIN INDEX_FILE='index.html' # SETTINGS DIRECTORY PERMISSIONS DIR_OWNER='apache' DIR_GROUP='apache' DIR_MOD='770' # APACHE (FEDORA) APACHE_RELOAD='service httpd restart' # cmd to reload/restart apache APACHE_CONF_LOCATION='/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' # no trailing slash APACHE_CONF_TEMPLATE=" # <FQDN> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@<DN> ServerName <FQDN> ServerAlias <DN> DocumentRoot <DN_ROOT> ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/<DN_SLUG>-apache-error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/<DN_SLUG>-access_log common </VirtualHost>"; # <DN> WILL BE REPLACED WITH THE DOMAIN, FQDN WITH THE FQDN, DN_SLUG WITH THE DOMAIN SLUG AND DN_ROOT WITH DOCUMENT ROOT # HOSTS FILE HOSTS_FILE='/etc/hosts' ################################# ################################# # FUNCTIONS function notice() { echo "============================================================================================================" echo $1 echo "============================================================================================================" } function slugify(){ echo $* | sed 's/^dl-*//ig' | tr '[:punct:]' '-' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -s '[:blank:]' '[\-*]' } ################################# ################################# # START if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then notice "You must be root to run this script" else # GET DN AND FQDN notice "Please enter the domain name" read DN DN="${DN/#\www./}" FQDN="www.$DN" # BEGIN host $DN 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$DN is not valid domain" else DN_SLUG=$(slugify "$DN"); if [ -d "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" ]; then notice "$DN already exists in $WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" else # MAIN STRUCTURE mkdir "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" mkdir "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG/$DOC_ROOT" echo "${INDEX_MSG//<DN>/$FQDN}" > "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG/$DOC_ROOT/$INDEX_FILE" # OWNERSHIP chown -R "$DIR_OWNER:$DIR_GROUP" "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" chmod -R "$DIR_MOD" "$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG" # QUICK LOOK UP LOCALLY HOSTS_FILE_BK="$(date +$HOSTS_FILE-%d%m%Y_%R.bak)"; cp "$HOSTS_FILE" "$HOSTS_FILE_BK"; if [ ! -f "$HOSTS_FILE_BK" ]; then notice "Failed to create host file backup at $HOSTS_FILE_BK" else echo "# ${FQDN}" >> "$HOSTS_FILE"; echo ${DN} >> "$HOSTS_FILE"; echo ${FQDN} >> ""$HOSTS_FILE""; # APACHE ENTRIES APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_CONF_TEMPLATE//<DN>/$DN}"; APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_TEMPLATE//<FQDN>/$FQDN}"; APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_TEMPLATE//<DN_ROOT>/$WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG/$DOC_ROOT/}"; APACHE_TEMPLATE="${APACHE_TEMPLATE//<DN_SLUG>/$DN_SLUG}"; APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK="$(date +$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION-%d%m%Y_%R.bak)"; cp "$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION" "$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK"; if [ -f "$APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK" ]; then echo "$APACHE_TEMPLATE" >> $APACHE_CONF_LOCATION; $APACHE_RELOAD; notice "$DN created at $WWW_ROOT/$DN_SLUG (apache bkup file found at $APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK)" else notice "Failed to create Apache config backup at $APACHE_CONF_LOCATION_BK" fi fi fi fi fi read STOP exit; ################################ |
This entry was posted on Friday, August 15th, 2014 at 4:41 pm and is filed under Bash. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Your network adinmistrator doesn’t know how to solve your Windows problem so he is blaming it on something outside the system. The Linux webserver (not part of the domain) cannot alter Windows Services.